Enrollment lottery
In order to comply with federal and state charter school statutes, we use a lottery to determine enrollment when more students apply to SRA than we can admit.
Federal statute allows us to give priority to the following students:
Children who completed the previous school year at SRA.
Children of founding members.
Children of administrators, teachers and staff.
Siblings of currently enrolled students.
The oldest child for each family will be entered in the lottery. Younger siblings will be automatically admitted if the oldest child is selected for admission, when space is available. If the oldest child is not selected, the next youngest sibling will be entered into the lottery for his or her grade level, and so on.
Per Wyoming Statute 21-4-302, students must turn 5 on or before August 1 of the school year in which they are enrolled.
letter of intent
We may add students at any time during the school year. If you would like to enroll your student in SRA, please fill out a letter of intent, and we will add your student to the enrollment pool.
To be included in the enrollment pool for the upcoming school year, parents must submit a letter of intent by April 1. In early April, we will hold a lottery for each grade in which demand exceeds space to determine initial enrollment for the upcoming year. There may be another lottery if additional spots open.
LOTTERY DATE FOR 2025-2026 IS APRIL 14. Parents must accept or decline by April 16, at 3:00 pm. Kindergarten Registration will run from April 21-25.
open houses & community night
Families who attend an open house or take a tour will receive priority lottery status.
Observation Open Houses: See our classrooms in action and tour the school. Seating will be available in each grade, and no reservations are necessary. Come and go as you please, visit more than one room, and pick up literature about the school. Tours are available.
Wednesday, February 12, 9:00 -11:00 a.m.
Thursday, February 20, 9:00 -11:00 a.m.
Tuesday, March 11, 9:00 -11:00 a.m.
Wednesday, March 26, 12:00—2:00 p.m.
Community Information Night: Learn what makes SRA unique, take a tour and meet the principal and teachers.
Thursday, March 6, please join us promptly at 6:00 p.m.
placement tests
We require placement tests in math and reading to all prospective students entering grades 1-8 to ensure we place them in the grade in which they will be most successful. Placement tests do not guarantee or deny enrollment.
The principal and grade level teachers will review the test results, and they may recommend placing a student in a higher or lower grade depending on their math and reading skills. The principal and parents will work together to determine the best placement for each student.
It is the policy of Snowy Range Academy that every child, regardless of disability, race, creed, color, gender, national origin, religion, or ancestry, have equal access to a free and appropriate public education. Furthermore, admission will be offered publicly to kindergarten through 8th-grade students with an effort to invite all families in Albany County School District No. 1 to review the SRA Charter and enroll their children if the parents value the school’s philosophy and educational offering.