Core Knowledge Curriculum
SRA’s foundational curriculum, the Core Knowledge Sequence, encompasses language arts, math, science, history, geography, fine arts and physical education. The curriculum is characterized by learning that is:
Solid: The emphasis is on lasting knowledge such as the important events of world history.
Sequenced: A planned progression builds on previous learning while eliminating repetition and gaps.
Specific: Clearly defines knowledge at each grade level ensures fairness for all students.
Shared: Students of all backgrounds receive the knowledge they need to participate in our shared national culture.
EnVision Math
enVision Math combines problem-based and visual learning to bring about conceptual math understanding. The curriculum offers a comprehensive program from kindergarten through middle school to address math standards using visual models, student-centered projects, multi-step tasks and personalized learning.
Special Programs
We consider specials to be an important part of our students’ education. Students receive instruction in character education, technology, Spanish, art and music through the Core Knowledge curriculum. Our physical education program is based on age-appropriate learning of lifelong skills.
All third-graders have the opportunity to try the violin during music class, and students can also join the school’s choir or orchestra.
Because we think it’s important to learn a second language at an early age, we teach Spanish beginning in kindergarten and continuing through every grade.