Nurse’s Office
Medication Policy
Parents must provide all medications for their children. We do not stock medications for general student use at the school.
Parents must complete and sign (and have a doctor sign for prescribed medication) a medication form for every medication their child takes at school. This includes both prescribed medication and over-the-counter medications such as Tylenol, Motrin and cough drops.
Every medication (including over-the-counter medications) must be in its original container. Even cough drops must be in the original bag that includes ingredient, dosage, and expiration information.
Students may not carry medications with them while at school. We will store all medications in a locked cabinet in the nurse’s office. We make an exception for inhalers and insulin, which students may carry with them if the parent(s) and doctor decide it is appropriate and complete the proper paperwork.
Other Medical information
It is important that we know about all medical conditions, medications and other information that might affect student learning at school. Maintaining up-to-date contact information in case of emergency or illness is also important.
Please let us know if your contact information changes or your student receives a new medical diagnosis, starts taking a new medication or experiences any other significant health change during the school year.